Welcome to my secure practice portal!
Please note that my calendar appears in Central Time (US) unless you specifically select another time zone when setting up your account.
At this time I am not taking new clients and my waiting list is closed. If you are interested in a referral, please call to leave a voicemail at (512) 762-4762 or email me directly at jennifer@intuitus-group.com and briefly describe your need.
If you are seeking consultation, please register and proceed as follows:
1) For clinicians seeking consultation on the MID (Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation), please register and request a 30 or 60 minute MID consultation according to my availability. My fees for consultation services are $175/60 minutes and $100 /30 minutes.
2) For clinicians seeking consultation for EMDRIA advanced designations, please register and schedule a Phone Screen or send me a message indicating what you are seeking. This will allow us to discuss your goals and my consultation agreement/requirements for the EMDRIA Certification or Consultant-in-Training process.
If you wish to learn more about me and my practice, please visit my profile on www.intuitus-group.com.
I look forward to speaking with you soon!
Take good care,
Licensed Professional Counselor
Board-Approved LPC Supervisor (Texas)
EMDRIA Approved Consultant & Trainer
Fellow - International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
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